Mom's Bake n Wait Baked Beans

I have fond memories of growing up near many of my cousins and Aunts and Uncles!  My Grandpa had let his kids purchase 5 acre lots of land to build on from the acreage he farmed so there were four of my Dad's siblings in a row on the road I grew up on.  The other four of the eight children lived further away, but still close enough to visit often, and until I was 8 years old, my Grandma lived just over a mile from us "in town".

Each summer there was a family reunion held, often at Uncle Lloyd's house, which was just through the field from my house.  Tables laden with each Aunt's fried chicken and favorite potluck salads and desserts were the highlight of the day!   Adults visited and children played together in the shade of the old apple trees there in Uncle Lloyd and Aunt Gilberta's yard.  By late afternoon everyone parted ways and returned to their own homes, except Uncle Von and his family who often stayed with us for a few nights since they lived 4 hours away.

One vivid memory I have of those summer reunions is walking with my Mom the eighth of a mile over to Uncle Lloyds.  She was carrying her pot of Bake n Wait Baked Beans.  It was a beautiful white enamel pot with brown designs on the outside.   It smelled wonderful!   I don't have any idea how the other food got there, but I distinctly remember her carrying that as I walked beside.  

Mom baked these beans often for summer get togethers and I've done the same.  My children call now and then to ask for the recipe.  I almost hesitate to put it here on my blog in case it gives them one less reason to call and chat!  

Today I'm making a double batch to take to a church dinner, so if the quantities in the pictures look different than the recipe, that's the reason.

Mom's Bake n Wait Baked Beans

8 oz. bacon, diced

1 large onion, sliced

1 large can pork and beans (28 oz)

2 15 oz cans kidney beans, partially drained

1 8 oz can tomato sauce

1/2 cup brown sugar

1 tablespoon prepared yellow mustard

1 tablespoon cider vinegar

1 tsp. salt

1/2 tsp. black pepper

 Dump all together in an oven safe pot or 9x13 pan and stir to mix gently until everything is well distributed.  Bake at 325 degrees for 2 hours uncovered.


Joy's Notes:   This freezes well if you have leftovers.  I don't have my Mom's fancy enamel pot to bake these in but I use an enamel covered cast iron dutch oven instead and they turn out perfectly.  Enjoy!


  1. I LOVE these beans!! I may try making them this summer with honey instead of the brown sugar so that Millie can have them.

    1. I'll bet they'd be great with honey! Can she have molasses? A little of that would be flavorful too.


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