April Fools Food Fun


Ahhh   it's nearly time for April Fools Day!  I'm no expert on the origins of this day and I'm definitely NOT a fan of mean or hurtful pranks, but I do love to have a bit of fun with my family on this day!  Food is one of our favorite ways to celebrate any holiday, why not this one!

You can find some other ideas in a previous post HERE that I wrote a few years ago.  Some of those ideas take a little more time.

This year, even if you don't have much time to be in the kitchen, you can select a few of these ideas to serve your family!  It's fun all day while kids are asking "what's for dinner" to say Fish Tacos or Chicken Sandwiches and then plate these up and serve!

Life's too short!   Laugh!

Here we have a colorful dinner consisting of a 
Chicken Sandwich, with
Fruit Slices, and Chips on the side.

I just had to share a close up of that chicken
sandwich.  Just makes your mouth water!

You could add this lovely egg salad as a 
side dish with almost any meal.  The experts 
say that the more colorful your food is, the
healthier it is for you!

Who doesn't love Chicken Taco's with a
side of beans?  The crisp shell really
compliments the tender chicken.

A balanced diet includes a variety of fruit!
This mixed fruit salad of peach slices,
orange slices, and watermelon, fits the bill!

Oh my goodness!   April 1st is on Friday 
this year.  Fish Tacos might be your perfect

A more formal menu could include this
beautifully grilled chicken (a sharpie marker
helps with those grill marks!) with baked beans
and that gorgeous fruit salad.

A healthier option adds egg filling on a
whole wheat english muffin.  Peach slices
finish out this simple meal.

Whatever fun you choose for your April Fools Day, 
enjoy having fun with those around you in a 
safe, happy way!

I'd love to see pictures of your fun in the comments!


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